Letní open air festival od studentů pro studenty se v roce 2022 konal již na celkem pěti stagích na ostrově Štvanice v Praze. V prostorách jako je Fuchs2, Bike Jesus, Vila Štvanice nebo Mystic Skatepark zahrála velká jména i začínající kapely - Dukla, The Silver Spoons, Drum'n'Rap, Emotionally Spoonfed, Squared Circles a spousta dalších. Součástí festivalu je také několikadenní doprovodný program, který zahrnuje přednášky, skate contest, blešák, DJ school, vernisáž a letní kino.
Summer open air festival made by students for other young people at Štvanice Island in Prague, Czech Republic. This year at more than 5 different venues and clubs such as Fuchs2, Bike Jesus, Vila Štvanice or Mystic Skatepark, hosting both already known names and young bands like Dukla, The Silver Spoons, Drum'n'Rap, Emotionally Spoonfed, Squared Circles and many others.. Big part of the festival is also accompanying program with events like skate contest, DJ school, art show, movie screening, lectures and thrift shop.
Visual identity: Maria Michopulu
Project leader: Barbora Luczy
Supervision: Matěj Polák